Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Corn dog

So, what do you get when you cross a hot dog with an ear of corn? Yeah, that's right. The food of the frozen gods - I mean, who actually makes these from scratch except that former Top Chef contestant?

I'll tell you where we had the juiciest, crunchiest, most corn-a-licious corn dog - All Star Sandwich bar in Inman Square (Cambridge, to all you Bostonians). I read the menu, skimmed right over the dog and ordered my falafel burger on wheat, all the while C is salivating secretely over this corn dog. He conveniently orders the Beef on Weck, only to add the "...and also the corn dog" to his order. Eyebrows raised, I turn my head in question..."I just really want a bite of that"

"So, you ordered the whole meal?"

"It's a corn dog. When was the last time you had a corn dog?"

"Honestly? Never, I would only eat the corn and give the hotdog to my brother."

"Just wait, I just really want a bite of a corn dog."

So, I waited, and I LOVED IT. Delicious - crispy, and corn-y, and moist, yumminess. Impossible not to like, regardless of your previous experience. I gotta give C some snaps for that order.

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